Shared cultural heritage of merchant seamen

This project documents and presents immaterial and material shared cultural heritage of merchant seamen who sailed on Dutch ships, 1600-2000. Based on interviews, and archive and literature research, we compile a series of mini-biographies that reveal the extent to which sailors have determined the international image of the Netherlands, and also which stories Dutch sailors brought back from abroad. Through this project, a large and varied audience will become aware of the GCE of merchant seamen, as we will present our results in an augmented reality installation, a book and an online reference work.

Shared cultural heritage of merchant seamen

This project documents and presents immaterial and material shared cultural heritage of merchant seamen who sailed on Dutch ships, 1600-2000. Based on interviews, and archive and literature research, we compile a series of mini-biographies that reveal the extent to which sailors have determined the international image of the Netherlands, and also which stories Dutch sailors brought back from abroad. Through this project, a large and varied audience will become aware of the GCE of merchant seamen, as we will present our results in an augmented reality installation, a book and an online reference work.