Welcome to Druid, the place to store, share and query Linked Data

Druid allows you to store your Linked Data. In addition, it provides tools to browse, query and visualise, and discover any Linked Datasets on Druid (and beyond!). Your private data can be stored as Closed Linked Data and setting up a SPARQL endpoint is literally the click of a button!

Druid was developed during CLARIAH-CORE by Utrecht University, Free University Amsterdam, IISH and Triply. Druid is currently maintained by the IISH and Triply. Cost of maintenance decrease relatively with use, which is why we are looking for PARTNERS to share our store with. To learn more about Druid and the CLARIAH tools to create and query Linked Data, read this introduction.


IISH knowledge graph (IISG - KG)

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) is one of the world's foremost research institutions in the field of social history. The institute investigates how labour and labour relations develop globally in the long term. To this end, the institute collects archives and data on a global scale. This dataset brings together archives, library, audiovisual material and research datasets.

History of work (all graph datasets)

by HistoryOfWork4,793,161 statements


This is your workbench for historical occupations as all graphs from the historyOfWork are combined here. This version is dated Feb 2021. Use this dataset to retrieve HISCO and HISCAM scores for an incredible amount of occupations in numerous languages.

Data can be queried (obtained) via the SPARQL endpoint or via the example queries. If the Linked Open Data format is new to you, you might enjoy these data stories on History of Work as Linked Open Data and this user question on Is there a list of female occupations?.

Figure 1. Part of model illustrating the basic relation between occupations, schema.org and HISCO.

Figure 2. Part of model illustrating the relation between occupation, provenance and HISCO auxiliary variables.

Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkers Bond

This is the 1.0 Linked Data version of the ANDB dataset. It uses the original datamodel and is no longer used for the website.

This story will explore the possibilities of extracting information from a dataset that is based on a video. The dataset contains the transcripts from the second part of Collectie Interviews Wim Kok. Every triple has a unique identifier (UID) that is connected to one transcript, URL and its start and end time in the video. If you click on the URL link, you will be directed to part of the video where that particular transcript is spoken.

Wim Kok served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 22 August 1994 until 22 July 2002.

Iinterviews by Leonard Ornstein, commissioned by the IISH, with Wim Kok about his time in the trade union movement, as a director at the Bouwbond NVV, and at the trade union federations NVV and FNV. This includes Kok's own career from employee Bouwbond to chairman FNV. They talk about the role of the trade union movement in the transition to decentralized wage formation and the social agreement of 1972, about social renewal and levelling, about social security and employment policy. This is interpreted within the general political and social developments of the 1960s and 1970s and the consequences of this for the relationship with the other trade union federations, with employers and the government., Interviews by Leonard Ornstein, commissioned by the IISH, with Wim Kok about his time in the trade union movement, as a director at the Bouwbond NVV, and at the trade union federations NVV and FNV.

Also see: http://hdl.handle.net/10622/COLL00306


by dataLegend334,843 statements

Netherlands Strikes, lockouts and other forms of labour conflict (number, number of companies, workers, days lost), 1372-2010.


Exploring Slave Trade in Asia

Slave trade has so far mainly focused on the Atlantic trade. For Asian trade voyages have been studied by looking at a journey as a place of departure and a final place of arrival. However, vessels made several stops creating 'subvoyages'. We use Linked Data to visualize and analyse the relations between voyages and subvoyages.

The raw sample data and conversion scripts are available here.


by AdamNet9,543,756 statements

In deze dataset is erfgoeddata samengevoegd en aan elkaar verbonden in het kader van het project AdamLink, uitgevoerd door Stichting AdamNet. Het gaat daarbij om de beeldbank van het Stadsarchief en de collectie van het Amsterdam Museum. Daarnaast zijn selecties van Amsterdamse voorwerpen opgenomen uit de collecties van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, de Bibliotheek van de UvA/HvA en de Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam. De erfgoeddata is verbonden met behulp van straten, gebouwen, wijken en personen.

Voor uitleg over en voorbeelden van hoe je deze data kunt gebruiken zie: het lab van Adamlink.

Dutch Municipalities through Time: gemeentegeschiedenis

@en (Nederlands hieronder) Today, The Netherlands consists of nearly 400 municipalities. Back in 1812, there were more than 1100 municipalities. This datasets describes the history of municipalities from 1812 to present day. This dataset is a must-have when analysing or visualising Dutch municipality time-series data, or when studying individual level data in municipality contexts. This dataset consists of the 'Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten vanaf 1812' by Ad van der Meer en Onno Boonstra and NLGis shapefiles of Onno Boonstra available via DANS, for which the municipality borders were registered from 1812 to 1997. For the contemporary period (1997-today) the IISH and Webmapper have provided the missing information and provide yearly updates for, amongst others, the Dutch Electoral Council (Kiesraad).

Website: http://www.gemeentegeschiedenis.nl/

@nl Nederland telt bijna 400 gemeenten. In 1812 waren dat er meer dan 1100. In twee eeuwen vol herindelingen, annexaties en fusies heeft Nederland bijna 1700 gemeenten gekend. De data van gemeentegeschiedenis is gebouwd op twee datasets: het Repertorium van Nederlandse gemeenten vanaf 1812 van Ad van der Meer en Onno Boonstra en de bij DANS gedeponeerde NLGis shapefiles van Onno Boonstra, waarin van elk jaar van 1812 tot 1997 de gemeentegrenzen zijn vastgelegd.

Website: http://www.gemeentegeschiedenis.nl/


CShapes is a new dataset that provides historical maps of state boundaries and capitals in the post-World War II period. The dataset is coded according to both the Correlates of War and the Gleditsch and Ward (1999) state lists, and is therefore compatible with a great number of existing databases in the discipline. Provided in a geographic data format, CShapes can be used directly with standard GIS software, allowing a wide range of spatial computations. In addition, we supply a CShapes package for the R statistical toolkit. This package enables researchers without GIS skills to perform various useful operations on the GIS maps.

Homepage: https://icr.ethz.ch/data/cshapes/


by dataLegend1,962,997 statements

Clio Infra contains a number of interconnected databases containing worldwide data on social, economic, and institutional indicators for the past five centuries, with special attention to the past 200 years. These indicators allow research into long-term development of worldwide economic growth and inequality. See also this datastory


by dataLegend4,076,244 statements

The Catasto is a tax survey conducted in Florentine territory between 1427 and 1429. This version uses the data of David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber as described in their book Tuscans and their Families: A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427. The dataset holds information on c. 60,000 households, including wealth, debts and assets, household size, property ownership, and sometimes the occupational status of the head. See also this datastory


by dataLegend10,654,352 statements

This is the CEDAR subset-fully-harmonized (S). The full set is not harmonized. Instead 'S':

  • covers the period 1859-1920
  • its variables are fully harmonized (sex, residence status, house type, municipality, year, lower level municipal areas)
  • is well tested

Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten (HDNG))

The Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten (HDNG)) provides a wide range of characteristics of Dutch municipalities in the period 1800 - ca. 1970. This dataset contains the latest 2020 files from the HDNG as received from Onno Boonstra and harmonized by Rick Mourits. The scripts for harmonisation are found here.Variables can be accessed either through municipalities or the HDNG variable codes. This version further has standardized variable descriptions and specifications. The LOD conversion scripts can be found here.