2wards a Transnational Biographical Infrastructure

2TBI has three main goals:<br/><br/>Enriching and linking data on the life courses of transnationally mobile persons, starting out from a sample of Dutch social reformers in the period 1840-1914 and their participation in international congresses;<br/>Integrating (meta-)data on international organisations in the period 1914-1940, exploring the involvement of Dutch(wo)men;<br/>Feasibility study for the enlargement of the CLARIAH-person-entity portal towards the study of transnational cultural mobility in Europe and beyond.<br/>The research pilot tests infrastructural improvements of Clariah components (in particular WP2), results in scientific output (one article on the infrastructural component and one on connections across borders), and advances the community of researchers into transnational biographies.

2wards a Transnational Biographical Infrastructure

2TBI has three main goals:<br/><br/>Enriching and linking data on the life courses of transnationally mobile persons, starting out from a sample of Dutch social reformers in the period 1840-1914 and their participation in international congresses;<br/>Integrating (meta-)data on international organisations in the period 1914-1940, exploring the involvement of Dutch(wo)men;<br/>Feasibility study for the enlargement of the CLARIAH-person-entity portal towards the study of transnational cultural mobility in Europe and beyond.<br/>The research pilot tests infrastructural improvements of Clariah components (in particular WP2), results in scientific output (one article on the infrastructural component and one on connections across borders), and advances the community of researchers into transnational biographies.