Zhongyang renmin zhengfu wei daibiao Zhonghua renmin gongheguo quanguo renminde weiyi hefa zhengfu.

'The central people's government constitutes the only legitimate government of all the people of the People's Republic of China.' Parade on Tian'Anmen Square in Beijing following the proclamation of the Central Popular Government of the People's Republic. F.l.t.r.: ?, ?, Song Qing Ling, ?, Zhu De, Mao, ?, ?, ?.

Zhongyang renmin zhengfu wei daibiao Zhonghua renmin gongheguo quanguo renminde weiyi hefa zhengfu.

'The central people's government constitutes the only legitimate government of all the people of the People's Republic of China.' Parade on Tian'Anmen Square in Beijing following the proclamation of the Central Popular Government of the People's Republic. F.l.t.r.: ?, ?, Song Qing Ling, ?, Zhu De, Mao, ?, ?, ?.