Group portrait Vladimir Il'ič Lenin, Nadežda Konstantinovna Krupskaja, A.I Elizarova ...

V.I. Lenin (at the right) recovering from his illness in Gorki. From left to right: Vera, the daughter of the doorkeper, N.K. Krupskaja, his wife, V. Ul'janov, his nephew, and A.I. Elizarova, his sister. Compare: 69/39, A, page 368.

Group portrait Vladimir Il'ič Lenin, Nadežda Konstantinovna Krupskaja, A.I Elizarova ...

V.I. Lenin (at the right) recovering from his illness in Gorki. From left to right: Vera, the daughter of the doorkeper, N.K. Krupskaja, his wife, V. Ul'janov, his nephew, and A.I. Elizarova, his sister. Compare: 69/39, A, page 368.