In Moscow: V.I. Lenin and his family in his flat in the Kremlin. From left to right sitting: V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya and A.I. Elizarova; from left to right standing: M.I. Ul'janova, D.I. Ul'janova and G.J. Lozgačev-Elizarov. Compare: 69/39 A, page 308.

In Moscow: V.I. Lenin and his family in his flat in the Kremlin. From left to right sitting: V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya and A.I. Elizarova; from left to right standing: M.I. Ul'janova, D.I. Ul'janova and G.J. Lozgačev-Elizarov. Compare: 69/39 A, page 308.

In Moscow: V.I. Lenin and his family in his flat in the Kremlin. From left to right sitting: V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya and A.I. Elizarova; from left to right standing: M.I. Ul'janova, D.I. Ul'janova and G.J. Lozgačev-Elizarov. Compare: 69/39 A, page 308.

In Moscow: V.I. Lenin and his family in his flat in the Kremlin. From left to right sitting: V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya and A.I. Elizarova; from left to right standing: M.I. Ul'janova, D.I. Ul'janova and G.J. Lozgačev-Elizarov. Compare: 69/39 A, page 308.