Funeral of Kropotkin. At the monastery of Novodevičy, where Kropotkin is to be burried. Steinberg speaks on behalve of the left social-revolutionaries. Under him: Alexander Berkman.Left: Gujewski (?).

Funeral of Kropotkin. At the monastery of Novodevičy, where Kropotkin is to be burried. Steinberg speaks on behalve of the left social-revolutionaries. Under him: Alexander Berkman.Left: Gujewski (?).

Funeral of Kropotkin. At the monastery of Novodevičy, where Kropotkin is to be burried. Steinberg speaks on behalve of the left social-revolutionaries. Under him: Alexander Berkman.Left: Gujewski (?).

Funeral of Kropotkin. At the monastery of Novodevičy, where Kropotkin is to be burried. Steinberg speaks on behalve of the left social-revolutionaries. Under him: Alexander Berkman.Left: Gujewski (?).