Unveiling of Ebert-Denkmal in Bleicherode. Ludwig Haas, member of the Reichstag, speaks. See also BG A4/410 and BG A4/439.

Unveiling of Ebert-Denkmal in Bleicherode. Ludwig Haas, member of the Reichstag, speaks. See also BG A4/410 and BG A4/439.

Unveiling of Ebert-Denkmal in Bleicherode. Ludwig Haas, member of the Reichstag, speaks. See also BG A4/410 and BG A4/439.

Unveiling of Ebert-Denkmal in Bleicherode. Ludwig Haas, member of the Reichstag, speaks. See also BG A4/410 and BG A4/439.