Percey Bysshe Shelley and his circle, 1773-1822. [Being an ed. of the manuscripts of Percey Bysshe Shelley, Sir Timothy Shelley, William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, Leigh Hunt, Thomas Love Peacock, Lord Byron, Harriet Grove, Edward John Trelawny, Harriet Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Clare Clairmont, John Keats, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Edward E. Williams a.o.] Ed. by. K.N. Cameron (tome 1-4) [and] D,K. Reiman (tome 5- ).

With bibliogrs, ills, indexes, maps and prts. The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library.

Percey Bysshe Shelley and his circle, 1773-1822. [Being an ed. of the manuscripts of Percey Bysshe Shelley, Sir Timothy Shelley, William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, Leigh Hunt, Thomas Love Peacock, Lord Byron, Harriet Grove, Edward John Trelawny, Harriet Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Clare Clairmont, John Keats, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Edward E. Williams a.o.] Ed. by. K.N. Cameron (tome 1-4) [and] D,K. Reiman (tome 5- ).

With bibliogrs, ills, indexes, maps and prts. The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library.