A letter to Mr. George Jacob Holyoake; containing a brief review of that gentleman's conduct and policy as a reformer, with especial reference to his "Reply to Mr. Linton" and the "Boston liberator". His criticism upon the stranger of the "Leader" newspaper, and defence of the Cobden policy. With the writer's opinion upon free-trade measures and on the position and interests of the middle and working classes.

In: G.J. Holyoaks and F.R. Lees, Outline of a public discussion.

A letter to Mr. George Jacob Holyoake; containing a brief review of that gentleman's conduct and policy as a reformer, with especial reference to his "Reply to Mr. Linton" and the "Boston liberator". His criticism upon the stranger of the "Leader" newspaper, and defence of the Cobden policy. With the writer's opinion upon free-trade measures and on the position and interests of the middle and working classes.

In: G.J. Holyoaks and F.R. Lees, Outline of a public discussion.