Facsimile of Declaration (as if of war) by England against Russia, December 18th, 1807, and Letter of Viscount Castlereagh to the Emperor of Russia, October 12th , 1814: showing that the wars made by England from 1803 to 1814, were for no British interest but to aggrandize Russia, and notably to secure for her the possession of Poland. Now printed to show the danger of any diplomatic proceedings in respect to Poland.


Facsimile of Declaration (as if of war) by England against Russia, December 18th, 1807, and Letter of Viscount Castlereagh to the Emperor of Russia, October 12th , 1814: showing that the wars made by England from 1803 to 1814, were for no British interest but to aggrandize Russia, and notably to secure for her the possession of Poland. Now printed to show the danger of any diplomatic proceedings in respect to Poland.