Insecurity of the British funds. Essay on public credit: by D. Hume (Repr. from the ed. of 1752). With observations on the sound and prophetic nature of its principles; shewing from indisputable facts, that a perseverance in the Pitt and paper system must eventually produce a national bankruptcy; and pointing out the only mode of averting so fatal a calamity; with remarks on the necessity of parliamentary reform; an analysis of Mr. Bentham's plan, &c. Addressed to the British people.

Insecurity of the British funds. Essay on public credit: by D. Hume (Repr. from the ed. of 1752). With observations on the sound and prophetic nature of its principles; shewing from indisputable facts, that a perseverance in the Pitt and paper system must eventually produce a national bankruptcy; and pointing out the only mode of averting so fatal a calamity; with remarks on the necessity of parliamentary reform; an analysis of Mr. Bentham's plan, &c. Addressed to the British people.