France during the German occupation 1940-1944. A collection of 292 statements on the government of Maréchal Pétain and Pierre Laval. Transl. from the French by Ph.W. Whitcomb. [Forew. by C. Easton Rothwell. With contribs of F.Lehideux, P. Cathala, R. Gaillochet a.o.].

With index. Original title: La vie de la France sous l'occupation (1940- 1944).

France during the German occupation 1940-1944. A collection of 292 statements on the government of Maréchal Pétain and Pierre Laval. Transl. from the French by Ph.W. Whitcomb. [Forew. by C. Easton Rothwell. With contribs of F.Lehideux, P. Cathala, R. Gaillochet a.o.].

With index. Original title: La vie de la France sous l'occupation (1940- 1944).