Rien prachachon tee kaorob  : ruambot apipraimaiwaiwangjai jak pa roi tor thueng tua chang /

The 5 Provinces Forest Foundation is founded by Gen. Pravit Wongsuwan, deputy prime minister in Gen. Prayuth's cabinet. This foundation was accused to be a network of power, as former prominent military generals hold positions in this foundation. The foundation was also accused to be an informal channel where military generals connect with big business in the country. "Elephant Ticket" is the term used to refer to a scandal in the Royal Thai Police force where there was some sort of connection with the 'Institution'. The police close to the palace tend to be promoted easier.

Rien prachachon tee kaorob  : ruambot apipraimaiwaiwangjai jak pa roi tor thueng tua chang /

The 5 Provinces Forest Foundation is founded by Gen. Pravit Wongsuwan, deputy prime minister in Gen. Prayuth's cabinet. This foundation was accused to be a network of power, as former prominent military generals hold positions in this foundation. The foundation was also accused to be an informal channel where military generals connect with big business in the country. "Elephant Ticket" is the term used to refer to a scandal in the Royal Thai Police force where there was some sort of connection with the 'Institution'. The police close to the palace tend to be promoted easier.