
Poster from the squatters-movement and activist scene around the Walde-Theater in Kreuzberg (Berlin)depicting the decor of the Walde Theater group. The German government pictured as a sledge pulled by pigs, demonstration against paragraph 218 (ban on abortion), the commissioning of the nuclear power station of Whyl and the factory occupation of the Erwitte cement works (Westphalia). See also BG H2/570 and BG H2/571.


Poster from the squatters-movement and activist scene around the Walde-Theater in Kreuzberg (Berlin)depicting the decor of the Walde Theater group. The German government pictured as a sledge pulled by pigs, demonstration against paragraph 218 (ban on abortion), the commissioning of the nuclear power station of Whyl and the factory occupation of the Erwitte cement works (Westphalia). See also BG H2/570 and BG H2/571.