The schools of Britain and the peace of the world : a memorandum from the National Union of Teachers, the Educational Institute of Scotland, the Headmasters' Conference, the Incorporated Association of Headmasters, the Incorporated Association of Headmistresses, the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, the Incorporates Association of Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools, the Training College Association, the Council of Principals of Training Colleges, and the League of Nations Union.

Covertitle: Declaration concerning the schools in Britain and the peace of the world.

The schools of Britain and the peace of the world : a memorandum from the National Union of Teachers, the Educational Institute of Scotland, the Headmasters' Conference, the Incorporated Association of Headmasters, the Incorporated Association of Headmistresses, the Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, the Incorporates Association of Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools, the Training College Association, the Council of Principals of Training Colleges, and the League of Nations Union.

Covertitle: Declaration concerning the schools in Britain and the peace of the world.