Mei diguozhuyi cong Riben gunchuqu! cong Nan Chaoxian gunchuqu! cong Nan Yue gunchqu! cong woguo lingtu Taiwan gunchqu! cong Tuerqi gunchuqu!

'American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey! Printno. 8037.2406.

Mei diguozhuyi cong Riben gunchuqu! cong Nan Chaoxian gunchuqu! cong Nan Yue gunchqu! cong woguo lingtu Taiwan gunchqu! cong Tuerqi gunchuqu!

'American imperialism, get out of Japan! Get out of South Korea! Get out of South Vietnam! Get out of our country's territory Taiwan! Get out of Turkey! Printno. 8037.2406.