VOC transcriptions v2 - GLOBALISE

This is a collection of machine-generated transcriptions of the ‘Overgekomen brieven en papieren’ of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). They were made by GLOBALISE (https://globalise.huygens.knaw.nl/), a project based at the Huygens Institute (KNAW Humanities Cluster) in the Netherlands and funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) under grant no. 175.2019.003. This collection comprises inventory numbers 1053-4454 and 7527-11024 from the VOC archives, National Archives, The Hague. The scans of the original documents (n=4,779,142) from the period 1610-1796 are available on the website of the National Archives: https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/archief/1.04.02/. Each ZIP archive and TXT file refers to an inventory number from the VOC Archives at the Dutch National Archives in The Hague (archive number 1.04.02). In total, there are 6,893 inventory numbers, and thus also 6,893 ZIP archives / TXT files. Each ZIP file contains one PageXML file containing the transcription per scan from the archive. Each TXT file contains the plain text of a full inventory number, interspersed with references to the PageXML file name from which the next section of text originates. Please refer to the Datasheet of this collection for comprehensive documentation.

VOC transcriptions v2 - GLOBALISE

This is a collection of machine-generated transcriptions of the ‘Overgekomen brieven en papieren’ of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). They were made by GLOBALISE (https://globalise.huygens.knaw.nl/), a project based at the Huygens Institute (KNAW Humanities Cluster) in the Netherlands and funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) under grant no. 175.2019.003. This collection comprises inventory numbers 1053-4454 and 7527-11024 from the VOC archives, National Archives, The Hague. The scans of the original documents (n=4,779,142) from the period 1610-1796 are available on the website of the National Archives: https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/archief/1.04.02/. Each ZIP archive and TXT file refers to an inventory number from the VOC Archives at the Dutch National Archives in The Hague (archive number 1.04.02). In total, there are 6,893 inventory numbers, and thus also 6,893 ZIP archives / TXT files. Each ZIP file contains one PageXML file containing the transcription per scan from the archive. Each TXT file contains the plain text of a full inventory number, interspersed with references to the PageXML file name from which the next section of text originates. Please refer to the Datasheet of this collection for comprehensive documentation.