Diplomatic editions Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order (XML/TEI)

Dataset containing XML/TEI editions of the extant Middle Dutch manuscripts of the Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order, also known as the Jüngere Hochmeisterchronik. Editions are included for the manuscripts We1, Ge (including an appendix containing a hitherto unknown indulgence collection of the Utrecht bailiwick), Ut1, [Ma1]. Not included is manuscript As, an early-modern transcript with excerpts of the chronicle. Further transcripts are included for manuscript Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 133 H 4 (so-called Hollandish Saxon Mirror), and all Teutonic Order charters written by Hendrik Gerardsz van Vianen.Also included are several appendices, including: a concordance table of chapter numbers of existing editions, a concordance table with main Teutonic Order's chronicles (Dusburg, Jeroschin, Ältere Hochmeisterchronik), and a list of privileges and indulgences included in the text.The dataset is created as part of the dissertation mentioned below and accompanies two new monographs published with Routledge.

Diplomatic editions Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order (XML/TEI)

Dataset containing XML/TEI editions of the extant Middle Dutch manuscripts of the Utrecht Chronicle of the Teutonic Order, also known as the Jüngere Hochmeisterchronik. Editions are included for the manuscripts We1, Ge (including an appendix containing a hitherto unknown indulgence collection of the Utrecht bailiwick), Ut1, [Ma1]. Not included is manuscript As, an early-modern transcript with excerpts of the chronicle. Further transcripts are included for manuscript Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 133 H 4 (so-called Hollandish Saxon Mirror), and all Teutonic Order charters written by Hendrik Gerardsz van Vianen.Also included are several appendices, including: a concordance table of chapter numbers of existing editions, a concordance table with main Teutonic Order's chronicles (Dusburg, Jeroschin, Ältere Hochmeisterchronik), and a list of privileges and indulgences included in the text.The dataset is created as part of the dissertation mentioned below and accompanies two new monographs published with Routledge.