Peace Advocates for Truth, Justice and Healing Archives

Minutes of the meetings of the founding assembly of PATH 2003; minutes of the meetings of the steering committee and the council of leaders of PATH 2003-2006; documents on roundtable discussions 2004-2005; lists of victims, perpetrators and informants 2003-2005; transcriptions of interviews with relatives and friends of victims 2003-2004; documents on the exhumations of victims in Cebu 2005-2006; preliminary PATH-report to the UN special rapporteur on the extrajudicial killings 2007; documents on the contacts with the embassy of the Netherlands and the Dutch NGO's Novib-Oxfam and X min Y Beweging 2003-2006; periodicals, publications and other documents of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army, the Kabataang Makabayan and the League of Filipino Students 1978-1992.

Peace Advocates for Truth, Justice and Healing Archives

Minutes of the meetings of the founding assembly of PATH 2003; minutes of the meetings of the steering committee and the council of leaders of PATH 2003-2006; documents on roundtable discussions 2004-2005; lists of victims, perpetrators and informants 2003-2005; transcriptions of interviews with relatives and friends of victims 2003-2004; documents on the exhumations of victims in Cebu 2005-2006; preliminary PATH-report to the UN special rapporteur on the extrajudicial killings 2007; documents on the contacts with the embassy of the Netherlands and the Dutch NGO's Novib-Oxfam and X min Y Beweging 2003-2006; periodicals, publications and other documents of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army, the Kabataang Makabayan and the League of Filipino Students 1978-1992.