Peter Philipp Gingold Papers

'Urkunden' and other personal documents concerning Peter Gingold and his wife Ettie (Etty) Gingold- Stein 1932-1936, 1950-2006; correspondence with a.o. Kurt Gossweiler 1988-2005, Karl Heinz Jahnke 1965, 1997-1999, Werner Stertzenbach 1973, and Alice and Gerhard Zadek 1992; files on the Berufsverbot of their daughter Silvia Gingold and others 1973-1989, the Verband Deutscher in der Résistance, in den Streitkräften der Antihitlerkoalition und der Bewegung 'Freies Deutschland' (DRAFD) 1993-2005; the Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (VVN), Bund der Antifaschisten 1987-2006, the Lagergemeinschaft Auschwitz. Freundeskreis der Auschwitzer and the Internationales Auschwitz-Komitee 1980-2006, the struggle for the cancelling of the banning (since 1956) of the KPD 1966-1979, the founding and activities of the DKP 1968-2006; the fight of Peter Gingold and his wife claiming German citizenship 1970-1974; the process against Gerhard Bögelein 1991-1993; the pension claim of the widow of Hermann Axen after his death 1994-2002; the lectures and speeches given by Gingold at schools and at other occasions on the dangers of Fascism and (Neo-) Nazism 1990-2006.

Peter Philipp Gingold Papers

'Urkunden' and other personal documents concerning Peter Gingold and his wife Ettie (Etty) Gingold- Stein 1932-1936, 1950-2006; correspondence with a.o. Kurt Gossweiler 1988-2005, Karl Heinz Jahnke 1965, 1997-1999, Werner Stertzenbach 1973, and Alice and Gerhard Zadek 1992; files on the Berufsverbot of their daughter Silvia Gingold and others 1973-1989, the Verband Deutscher in der Résistance, in den Streitkräften der Antihitlerkoalition und der Bewegung 'Freies Deutschland' (DRAFD) 1993-2005; the Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (VVN), Bund der Antifaschisten 1987-2006, the Lagergemeinschaft Auschwitz. Freundeskreis der Auschwitzer and the Internationales Auschwitz-Komitee 1980-2006, the struggle for the cancelling of the banning (since 1956) of the KPD 1966-1979, the founding and activities of the DKP 1968-2006; the fight of Peter Gingold and his wife claiming German citizenship 1970-1974; the process against Gerhard Bögelein 1991-1993; the pension claim of the widow of Hermann Axen after his death 1994-2002; the lectures and speeches given by Gingold at schools and at other occasions on the dangers of Fascism and (Neo-) Nazism 1990-2006.