Asia Monitor Resource Center (Hongkong) Archives

AMRC is a three tier organisation with 5 Regional Council members at the top. Regional Council members are the eminent labour activists/researchers from the Asia Pacific Region. (Anual) Regional Council meeting is the highest desicion making body where the previous projects are reviewed and future policy and programmes desiced. At second level, AMRC has a Board of Directors, which is composed of Hong Kong residents who come various fields (NGO, academia etc.). The Board of Diroctors is responsible for daily functioning of AMRC. Board meetings are held in every quarter. At third level is the staff of AMRC, which consists of Executive Director, Research Coordinator, Communication Officer, Publication Officer, Administrative Assistant and Account Manager. The archive contains the following documents: correspondence with Apo Leong (executive director); regional meetings papers; documents concerning the ALARM (APEC Labour Rights Monitor) Project, the LARIC (Labour Rights in China) Project : a coalition shares a common concern about labour rights in China, the Asian Trans-National Corporations (TNC's) Project (including codes of conducts of corporations), working conditions of toy workers in China; documentation 1990-2009. Books and periodicals are transferred in the Library.

Asia Monitor Resource Center (Hongkong) Archives

AMRC is a three tier organisation with 5 Regional Council members at the top. Regional Council members are the eminent labour activists/researchers from the Asia Pacific Region. (Anual) Regional Council meeting is the highest desicion making body where the previous projects are reviewed and future policy and programmes desiced. At second level, AMRC has a Board of Directors, which is composed of Hong Kong residents who come various fields (NGO, academia etc.). The Board of Diroctors is responsible for daily functioning of AMRC. Board meetings are held in every quarter. At third level is the staff of AMRC, which consists of Executive Director, Research Coordinator, Communication Officer, Publication Officer, Administrative Assistant and Account Manager. The archive contains the following documents: correspondence with Apo Leong (executive director); regional meetings papers; documents concerning the ALARM (APEC Labour Rights Monitor) Project, the LARIC (Labour Rights in China) Project : a coalition shares a common concern about labour rights in China, the Asian Trans-National Corporations (TNC's) Project (including codes of conducts of corporations), working conditions of toy workers in China; documentation 1990-2009. Books and periodicals are transferred in the Library.