Political and military situation in Iran Archives

Documents made up by the Prime Minister's Office, the Department of Defense, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State and the Gendarmerie relating to parliamentary elections 1947, rise and fall of Iranian cabinets, political parties and politicians of Iran, trade unions; Iranian immigrants, Iran under the occupation of the Allied Forces, Iran and the USA 1943-1948; reports from Iranian embassies and consulates to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1943-1948; documents on Azerbaijan( آذربایجان) , Bahuchistan(بلوچستان) [Baluchistan], Fars(فارس) , Isfahan(أصفهان) , Khorasan(خراسان) , Khozistan(خوزستان) , Kurdistan(کردستان) , Qashqa(قشقایی) ,̐ Shaykh Khazal(شیخ خزعل) 1943-1948; documents relating to the views of the Iranian press and the press abroad on the situation in Iran 1943-1948.

Political and military situation in Iran Archives

Documents made up by the Prime Minister's Office, the Department of Defense, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State and the Gendarmerie relating to parliamentary elections 1947, rise and fall of Iranian cabinets, political parties and politicians of Iran, trade unions; Iranian immigrants, Iran under the occupation of the Allied Forces, Iran and the USA 1943-1948; reports from Iranian embassies and consulates to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1943-1948; documents on Azerbaijan( آذربایجان) , Bahuchistan(بلوچستان) [Baluchistan], Fars(فارس) , Isfahan(أصفهان) , Khorasan(خراسان) , Khozistan(خوزستان) , Kurdistan(کردستان) , Qashqa(قشقایی) ,̐ Shaykh Khazal(شیخ خزعل) 1943-1948; documents relating to the views of the Iranian press and the press abroad on the situation in Iran 1943-1948.