European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (Brussels) Archives

General correspondence 1984-1998; minutes and other documents concerning the Board of Directors, the General Assembly, different seminars and symposiums on the right for conscientious objection and alternative civil service 1980-1997; files on the contacts with the national conscientious objection organizations, the UN, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Quakers, the War Resisters' International (WRI) and other organizations 1979-1998; copies of 'The Right to Refuse to Kill', the bulletin of the EBCO 1992-1996; reports and documentation on the situation with regard to conscientious objection and civilian service in various countries, among others Germany, Greece, Israel. Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Yugoslavia 1976-1999; documents of the European Youth Forum and the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner e.V. 1976-1998; other documentation 1976-1999. Accrual 2017: 11 files EBCO archives and three boxes containing the 'Sammlung Grünewald/Knebel zur Geschichte der Kriegsdienstverweigerung', materials from Guido Grünewald and Günter Knebel 1989-2000. Accrual 2018: digital material. Accrual 2018: contains EBCO papers concerning Friedhelm Schneider’s work as president of EBCO and with the Council of Europe as well as general EBCO papers.

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (Brussels) Archives

General correspondence 1984-1998; minutes and other documents concerning the Board of Directors, the General Assembly, different seminars and symposiums on the right for conscientious objection and alternative civil service 1980-1997; files on the contacts with the national conscientious objection organizations, the UN, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Quakers, the War Resisters' International (WRI) and other organizations 1979-1998; copies of 'The Right to Refuse to Kill', the bulletin of the EBCO 1992-1996; reports and documentation on the situation with regard to conscientious objection and civilian service in various countries, among others Germany, Greece, Israel. Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Yugoslavia 1976-1999; documents of the European Youth Forum and the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner e.V. 1976-1998; other documentation 1976-1999. Accrual 2017: 11 files EBCO archives and three boxes containing the 'Sammlung Grünewald/Knebel zur Geschichte der Kriegsdienstverweigerung', materials from Guido Grünewald and Günter Knebel 1989-2000. Accrual 2018: digital material. Accrual 2018: contains EBCO papers concerning Friedhelm Schneider’s work as president of EBCO and with the Council of Europe as well as general EBCO papers.