Gerhard Bögelein Papers

Documents of the Prozessgruppe Kielhorn/Bögelein and of the Projektgruppe für die vergessenen Opfer des NS-Regimes, consisting of documents on the Bögelein case, including documents on the unsuccessful prosecution of Bögelein by the West-German judicial authorities after his return to the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1956, 1991-1993.

Gerhard Bögelein Papers

Documents of the Prozessgruppe Kielhorn/Bögelein and of the Projektgruppe für die vergessenen Opfer des NS-Regimes, consisting of documents on the Bögelein case, including documents on the unsuccessful prosecution of Bögelein by the West-German judicial authorities after his return to the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1956, 1991-1993.