Partija Socialistov-Revoljucionerov (Rossija) Archives

Collection consisting of two components: the `Narodničestvo' (Народничество) collection relating to the activities of the populists in the seventies and eighties and the records of the PSR (Партия социалистов-революционеров, ПСР). Narodničestvo (Народничество) 1870-1900: correspondence, primarily of Petr L. Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович) with Grigorij Z. Eliseev (Елисеев Григорий Захарович), German A. Lopatin (Лопатин Герман Александрович), Lev A. Tichomirov (Тихомиров Лев Александрович) and others; documents of Vestnik Narodnoj Volji (Вестник Народной воли) and of the Gruppa Starych Narodovol'cev (Группа старых народовольцев); manuscripts of Petr Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович) and others; memoirs of Petr Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович), Nikolaj K. Sudzilovskij (Судзиловский Николай Константинович) and others; files on various matters, e.g. on the riots in Čigirin 1875; printed and processed material, including leaflets of Narodnaja Volja (Народная Воля). PSR 1900-1934. Before 1917: documents on the formation of the PSR; some documents of the Agrarno-Socialističeskaja Liga (Аграрно-социалистическая лига), including minutes of the first congress 1902; minutes of the PSR second congress 1907, of the second, third, fourth and fifth party council and of the London conference 1908; minutes of meetings 1907 and correspondence of the Central Committee; minutes and other documents of the foundation congress 1903 of the Organization Abroad, of its second and third congress, and first, third and fourth conference; documents of its Committee Abroad 1902-1906; correspondence and other documents of the Transport Committee; documents of the Organization Bureau including inquiry held by the Organization Bureau 1907 and answers of various local committees; documents of the regional committees in Russia, such as correspondence with the Central Committee and Organization Bureau (Центральный комитет и Организационное бюро ПСР), minutes of regional congresses, reports on activities and finances, (draft) rules, resolutions and leaflets; documents of over fifty local committees in Russia, such as reports on activities and finances and, primarily, leaflets, mostly 1904-1908; documents of the regional committee in Western Europe, such as correspondence 1908-1912, financial records 1908-1913, reports on activities, rules, news bulletins etc.; documents of about twenty local groups in Western Europe, including the Paris group 1903-1913; files on agitation among soldiers, sailors, peasants, teachers; letters from Russian soldiers and from prisoners of war in Japan 1904-1906; file on a propaganda campaign by Ekaterina K. Breško-Breškovskaja (Брешко-Брешковская Екатерина Константиновна) in the USA 1904-1905; instructions to members of the second Duma 1907; editorial records of Znamja Truda (Знамя труда) and other publications; many manuscripts, e.g. on the history of the party; biographical data on PSR adherents and Narodovol'cy (народовольцы); files on agents provocateurs, such as Evno F. Azef (Азеф Евно Фишелевич); documents of/on the Ochrana and trials; files on various party matters; PSR publications; publications of related groups; press clippings. After 1917: some documents of the ninth and tenth party council 1919, 1921; minutes of meetings of the Central Committee 8.6.1917-22.11.1917, 23.9.1920-20.10.1920; a few documents of regional and local committees in Russia 1919-1921; some documents of the Far East Bureau (Дальневосточное бюро ПСР) 1919-1921; file on the PSR trial 1922; minutes of meetings 1923, correspondence and financial records of the Delegation Abroad (Заграничная делегация ПСР); file relating to the Labour and Socialist International (LSI/SAI); correspondence and other documents of the regional committee and of several local groups outside Russia, including the Prague group (Пражская группа); printed material.

Partija Socialistov-Revoljucionerov (Rossija) Archives

Collection consisting of two components: the `Narodničestvo' (Народничество) collection relating to the activities of the populists in the seventies and eighties and the records of the PSR (Партия социалистов-революционеров, ПСР). Narodničestvo (Народничество) 1870-1900: correspondence, primarily of Petr L. Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович) with Grigorij Z. Eliseev (Елисеев Григорий Захарович), German A. Lopatin (Лопатин Герман Александрович), Lev A. Tichomirov (Тихомиров Лев Александрович) and others; documents of Vestnik Narodnoj Volji (Вестник Народной воли) and of the Gruppa Starych Narodovol'cev (Группа старых народовольцев); manuscripts of Petr Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович) and others; memoirs of Petr Lavrov (Лавров Петр Лаврович), Nikolaj K. Sudzilovskij (Судзиловский Николай Константинович) and others; files on various matters, e.g. on the riots in Čigirin 1875; printed and processed material, including leaflets of Narodnaja Volja (Народная Воля). PSR 1900-1934. Before 1917: documents on the formation of the PSR; some documents of the Agrarno-Socialističeskaja Liga (Аграрно-социалистическая лига), including minutes of the first congress 1902; minutes of the PSR second congress 1907, of the second, third, fourth and fifth party council and of the London conference 1908; minutes of meetings 1907 and correspondence of the Central Committee; minutes and other documents of the foundation congress 1903 of the Organization Abroad, of its second and third congress, and first, third and fourth conference; documents of its Committee Abroad 1902-1906; correspondence and other documents of the Transport Committee; documents of the Organization Bureau including inquiry held by the Organization Bureau 1907 and answers of various local committees; documents of the regional committees in Russia, such as correspondence with the Central Committee and Organization Bureau (Центральный комитет и Организационное бюро ПСР), minutes of regional congresses, reports on activities and finances, (draft) rules, resolutions and leaflets; documents of over fifty local committees in Russia, such as reports on activities and finances and, primarily, leaflets, mostly 1904-1908; documents of the regional committee in Western Europe, such as correspondence 1908-1912, financial records 1908-1913, reports on activities, rules, news bulletins etc.; documents of about twenty local groups in Western Europe, including the Paris group 1903-1913; files on agitation among soldiers, sailors, peasants, teachers; letters from Russian soldiers and from prisoners of war in Japan 1904-1906; file on a propaganda campaign by Ekaterina K. Breško-Breškovskaja (Брешко-Брешковская Екатерина Константиновна) in the USA 1904-1905; instructions to members of the second Duma 1907; editorial records of Znamja Truda (Знамя труда) and other publications; many manuscripts, e.g. on the history of the party; biographical data on PSR adherents and Narodovol'cy (народовольцы); files on agents provocateurs, such as Evno F. Azef (Азеф Евно Фишелевич); documents of/on the Ochrana and trials; files on various party matters; PSR publications; publications of related groups; press clippings. After 1917: some documents of the ninth and tenth party council 1919, 1921; minutes of meetings of the Central Committee 8.6.1917-22.11.1917, 23.9.1920-20.10.1920; a few documents of regional and local committees in Russia 1919-1921; some documents of the Far East Bureau (Дальневосточное бюро ПСР) 1919-1921; file on the PSR trial 1922; minutes of meetings 1923, correspondence and financial records of the Delegation Abroad (Заграничная делегация ПСР); file relating to the Labour and Socialist International (LSI/SAI); correspondence and other documents of the regional committee and of several local groups outside Russia, including the Prague group (Пражская группа); printed material.