Partido Comunista Mexicano Archives

Collection of printed, stencilled and typed documents (partly photocopies) of the Partido Comunista Mexicano received from Enrique Condés Lara: reports and other documents relating to the congresses and conferences 1919-1981; reports, circular letters, statements and pamphlets by and other documents relating to the Central Committee 1923-1981; documents relating to the party's Regional and State Committees 1962-1982, 1985; documents relating to the Juventud Comunista and the Comisión Nacional Juvenil del PCM 1965-1981; documents relating to the Central Campesina Independiente (CCI) and the Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos (CIOAC) 1965-1983; some documents relating to the Movimiento Revolucionario del Magisterio (MRM) 1968-1981; report of the meeting of representatives of the Communist International and the Labour and Socialist International (LSI) concerning the Frente Unido en Favor del Proletario Español 1936.

Partido Comunista Mexicano Archives

Collection of printed, stencilled and typed documents (partly photocopies) of the Partido Comunista Mexicano received from Enrique Condés Lara: reports and other documents relating to the congresses and conferences 1919-1981; reports, circular letters, statements and pamphlets by and other documents relating to the Central Committee 1923-1981; documents relating to the party's Regional and State Committees 1962-1982, 1985; documents relating to the Juventud Comunista and the Comisión Nacional Juvenil del PCM 1965-1981; documents relating to the Central Campesina Independiente (CCI) and the Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos (CIOAC) 1965-1983; some documents relating to the Movimiento Revolucionario del Magisterio (MRM) 1968-1981; report of the meeting of representatives of the Communist International and the Labour and Socialist International (LSI) concerning the Frente Unido en Favor del Proletario Español 1936.