CNT (España) Archives

Archive of the Comité Nacional of the CNT with other archives deposited or obtained by the CNT. Comité Nacional CNT, secretariat 1934-1938: proceedings and minutes of plenary and other meetings; reports on the war, persecution of libertarians and others, general and military situation etc.; correspondence by the secretary-general, Mariano Vázquez with regional organizations and national syndicates of the CNT; correspondence with other organizations; international correspondence; documents and documentation on the same subjects. Comité Nacional CNT, Sección Defensa and Subsección Comisarios 1937-1939: files of documents on militaries and military matters; agenda and proceedings concerning the conferences of the Sección Defensa; Secretaría y oficina de propaganda en el exterior 1936-1939: correspondence and other documents and printed material. Segundo Blanco, Minister of Education of the republican government 1938-1939: official correspondence with various persons and organizations; personal documents. Juan García Oliver, Minister of Justice of the republican government: file mainly consisting of correspondence 1936-1937. Comité Regional CNT de Cataluña 1931-1939: correspondence with the Comité Nacional and other organizations; documents on military matters; proceedings and resolutions concerning the regional and national conferences of the CNT; financial records; printed material. Domingo Lera Ortiz, delegate of Transport and Communication of the Consejo Nacional de Defensa de Aragón 1936-1937: general correspondence and financial records concerning the Consejo de Aragón. Solidaridad Internacional Antifascista (SIA) 1937-1939: correspondence with various organizations; documents on the national and regional councils of the SIA; financial records; press clippings and circular letters on propaganda and other activities. Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias (FIJL) 1932, 1937-1939: proceedings of plenary sessions; reports, notes and circular letters concerning the libertarian movement.

CNT (España) Archives

Archive of the Comité Nacional of the CNT with other archives deposited or obtained by the CNT. Comité Nacional CNT, secretariat 1934-1938: proceedings and minutes of plenary and other meetings; reports on the war, persecution of libertarians and others, general and military situation etc.; correspondence by the secretary-general, Mariano Vázquez with regional organizations and national syndicates of the CNT; correspondence with other organizations; international correspondence; documents and documentation on the same subjects. Comité Nacional CNT, Sección Defensa and Subsección Comisarios 1937-1939: files of documents on militaries and military matters; agenda and proceedings concerning the conferences of the Sección Defensa; Secretaría y oficina de propaganda en el exterior 1936-1939: correspondence and other documents and printed material. Segundo Blanco, Minister of Education of the republican government 1938-1939: official correspondence with various persons and organizations; personal documents. Juan García Oliver, Minister of Justice of the republican government: file mainly consisting of correspondence 1936-1937. Comité Regional CNT de Cataluña 1931-1939: correspondence with the Comité Nacional and other organizations; documents on military matters; proceedings and resolutions concerning the regional and national conferences of the CNT; financial records; printed material. Domingo Lera Ortiz, delegate of Transport and Communication of the Consejo Nacional de Defensa de Aragón 1936-1937: general correspondence and financial records concerning the Consejo de Aragón. Solidaridad Internacional Antifascista (SIA) 1937-1939: correspondence with various organizations; documents on the national and regional councils of the SIA; financial records; press clippings and circular letters on propaganda and other activities. Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias (FIJL) 1932, 1937-1939: proceedings of plenary sessions; reports, notes and circular letters concerning the libertarian movement.