Georeferenced regional maps associated with Jacob van Deventer, 1536-1546

This collection contains georeferenced raster images (in GeoTIFF format) of the 'Gewestkaarten' (Regional maps) associated with Jacob van Deventer. The georeferencing has been accomplished by linking hundreds of locality-pointers in the maps to the respective church towers. Using these pointers, the maps were distorted using Thin Plate Spline (Transformation method) / Nearest Neighbour (Resampling method). Some regional maps, like the map of the County of Zeeland and surroundings, are so well executed that this method works really well without distorting the raster image too much. The map of the Duchy of Brabant (the oldest 'Gewestkaart' by Jacob van Deventer), is much less precise (with substantial intraregional differences). Only around half of the Brabant localities could be used as pointers in georeferencing in order to keep the distortion at an acceptable level. The maps included in the dataset are: Jacob Bos, Flandriae recens exactaque descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1555). Based (partly?) on measurements by Jacob van Deventer and a map by Gerard Mercator, originally published around 1540. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2756. Jacob Bos, Hollandiae Batavorum veteris insulae et locorum adiacentium exacta descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1556). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1542. Haarlem, Noord-Hollands Archief, NL-HlmNHA_560_000399_G. Jacob Bos, Brabantia Belgarum provinciae recens exactaque descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1536. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2758. A different edition, similar to the lost Breslau edition of 1558 (link 1, 2, 3, 4), can be found in the Brussels Royal Library (circa 1556). Jacob Bos, Gelriae, Cliviae, Iuliae, nec non aliarum regionum adiacentium nova descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1543 (?). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2757. Jacob Bos, Frisiae antiovissimae trans Rhenum provinc. et adiacentium regionum nova et exacta descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1545. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2759. Jacob van Deventer, Zelandia (Antwerp: Gulielmus Sylvius 1560). Originally published in 1545 (or 1546?). Brielle, Streekarchief Voorne-Putten, 620 Collectie Topografische Kaarten, G058 ('TA_ALG_208 Kaart van Zeeland anno 1560. Komt voor een groot deel overeen met een kaart uit 1546 van Jacob van Deventer'). The dataset includes both the georeferenced maps in GeoTIFF and the QGIS Ground Control Points-files which can be applied to the original images. The original raster images can be downloaded (CC0) from the respective links above.

Georeferenced regional maps associated with Jacob van Deventer, 1536-1546

This collection contains georeferenced raster images (in GeoTIFF format) of the 'Gewestkaarten' (Regional maps) associated with Jacob van Deventer. The georeferencing has been accomplished by linking hundreds of locality-pointers in the maps to the respective church towers. Using these pointers, the maps were distorted using Thin Plate Spline (Transformation method) / Nearest Neighbour (Resampling method). Some regional maps, like the map of the County of Zeeland and surroundings, are so well executed that this method works really well without distorting the raster image too much. The map of the Duchy of Brabant (the oldest 'Gewestkaart' by Jacob van Deventer), is much less precise (with substantial intraregional differences). Only around half of the Brabant localities could be used as pointers in georeferencing in order to keep the distortion at an acceptable level. The maps included in the dataset are: Jacob Bos, Flandriae recens exactaque descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1555). Based (partly?) on measurements by Jacob van Deventer and a map by Gerard Mercator, originally published around 1540. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2756. Jacob Bos, Hollandiae Batavorum veteris insulae et locorum adiacentium exacta descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1556). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1542. Haarlem, Noord-Hollands Archief, NL-HlmNHA_560_000399_G. Jacob Bos, Brabantia Belgarum provinciae recens exactaque descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1536. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2758. A different edition, similar to the lost Breslau edition of 1558 (link 1, 2, 3, 4), can be found in the Brussels Royal Library (circa 1556). Jacob Bos, Gelriae, Cliviae, Iuliae, nec non aliarum regionum adiacentium nova descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1543 (?). Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2757. Jacob Bos, Frisiae antiovissimae trans Rhenum provinc. et adiacentium regionum nova et exacta descriptio (Rome: Michaelis Tramezini 1558). Based on a map by Jacob van Deventer, originally published in 1545. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, RP-P-BI-2759. Jacob van Deventer, Zelandia (Antwerp: Gulielmus Sylvius 1560). Originally published in 1545 (or 1546?). Brielle, Streekarchief Voorne-Putten, 620 Collectie Topografische Kaarten, G058 ('TA_ALG_208 Kaart van Zeeland anno 1560. Komt voor een groot deel overeen met een kaart uit 1546 van Jacob van Deventer'). The dataset includes both the georeferenced maps in GeoTIFF and the QGIS Ground Control Points-files which can be applied to the original images. The original raster images can be downloaded (CC0) from the respective links above.