Diamond Workers Occupational Census of 1889

This dataset is built using the Occupational Census of 1889. It contains all the diamond workers found in the different provinces and has been curated to include standard occupational titles and AMCO's for the municipalities. In contrast to the original census tables this dataset is a 'flattened' table which can easily be used to ingest it in other systems. The Linked Data (RDF) version of these datasets can be found at: https://druid.datalegend.net/DiamondWorkersCensus

Diamond Workers Occupational Census of 1889

This dataset is built using the Occupational Census of 1889. It contains all the diamond workers found in the different provinces and has been curated to include standard occupational titles and AMCO's for the municipalities. In contrast to the original census tables this dataset is a 'flattened' table which can easily be used to ingest it in other systems. The Linked Data (RDF) version of these datasets can be found at: https://druid.datalegend.net/DiamondWorkersCensus