The Linked International Classification for Religions. This Classification Systems provides mappings to various other well known system (IPUMS, NAPP, HL7) and is enriched with descriptions from DBPedia. Credits: Ashkan Ashkpour - Responsible for the creation of the LICR classification, mappings and links to external sources Albert Meroño Peñuela and Rinke Hoekstra - Responsible for the RDF conversion and representation of this classification as Linked Data


The Linked International Classification for Religions. This Classification Systems provides mappings to various other well known system (IPUMS, NAPP, HL7) and is enriched with descriptions from DBPedia. Credits: Ashkan Ashkpour - Responsible for the creation of the LICR classification, mappings and links to external sources Albert Meroño Peñuela and Rinke Hoekstra - Responsible for the RDF conversion and representation of this classification as Linked Data