Mint Houses of the Low Countries

This dataset contains points for all known mint houses in, or producing for, the Low Countries between the 6th and 21st centuries, and the years in which these mints were actively producing coins. The dataset is constructed using the coin production dataset composed by ourselves; Van Gelder, Nederlandse munten (8th ed., 2002); Vanhoudt, Atlas der Munten van België van de Kelten tot heden (2nd ed., Heverlee 2007); Vanhoudt, De munten van de Bourgondische, Spaanse en Oostenrijkse Nederlanden, en van de Franse en Hollandse periode (1434-1830) (Heverlee 2015); Polak, Historiografie en economie van de 'muntchaos'. De muntproductie van de Republiek (1606-1795) (Amsterdam 1998). For the Southern Low Countries and Belgium the years of activities were matched to a catalogue of coins (Vanhoudt 2007) and as a consequence the years mints were actively producing are more precise than those of counterparts in the Northern Low Countries (which are largely based on the date ranges collected by Van Gelder). In the future, it would be advisable to link this dataset up to catalogues of coins of the Northern Low Countries as well, so that the years mints were active become more refined.

Mint Houses of the Low Countries

This dataset contains points for all known mint houses in, or producing for, the Low Countries between the 6th and 21st centuries, and the years in which these mints were actively producing coins. The dataset is constructed using the coin production dataset composed by ourselves; Van Gelder, Nederlandse munten (8th ed., 2002); Vanhoudt, Atlas der Munten van België van de Kelten tot heden (2nd ed., Heverlee 2007); Vanhoudt, De munten van de Bourgondische, Spaanse en Oostenrijkse Nederlanden, en van de Franse en Hollandse periode (1434-1830) (Heverlee 2015); Polak, Historiografie en economie van de 'muntchaos'. De muntproductie van de Republiek (1606-1795) (Amsterdam 1998). For the Southern Low Countries and Belgium the years of activities were matched to a catalogue of coins (Vanhoudt 2007) and as a consequence the years mints were actively producing are more precise than those of counterparts in the Northern Low Countries (which are largely based on the date ranges collected by Van Gelder). In the future, it would be advisable to link this dataset up to catalogues of coins of the Northern Low Countries as well, so that the years mints were active become more refined.