Canada, 1820-1890

This dataset provides data from several sources. ‘By wading through decades of newspapers, scrutinizing the early labour and craft union press, looking at a variety of archival and printed sources, and taking copious notes from recent studies, however, it is possible to build an awareness, for the first time, of the national contours of working-class protest and organization in the years 1820 to 1890’ (Bryan D. Palmer, Labour protest and Organization in Ninenteenth-Century Canada, 1820-1890, Labour/Le Travail 20 (Fall 1987), 62).

Canada, 1820-1890

This dataset provides data from several sources. ‘By wading through decades of newspapers, scrutinizing the early labour and craft union press, looking at a variety of archival and printed sources, and taking copious notes from recent studies, however, it is possible to build an awareness, for the first time, of the national contours of working-class protest and organization in the years 1820 to 1890’ (Bryan D. Palmer, Labour protest and Organization in Ninenteenth-Century Canada, 1820-1890, Labour/Le Travail 20 (Fall 1987), 62).