Average years of education and cost based human capital per capita in former Soviet Union areas (1920 – 2010)

Average years of education, cost based human capital per capita, income based human capital, books per capita, and literacy in former Soviet Union areas (1920 – 2010). Please cite as: *Didenko, D., van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2013). The spread of human capital in the former Sovjet Union areas in a comparative perspective:Exploring a new dataset. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 4 (2), pp. 123-135. * Van Leeuwen, B., Didenko, D., & Foldvari, P. (2015). Inspiration vs. Perspiration in Economic Development of the Former Soviet Union and China (ca. 1920–2010). economics of transition, 23(1), 213-246.

Average years of education and cost based human capital per capita in former Soviet Union areas (1920 – 2010)

Average years of education, cost based human capital per capita, income based human capital, books per capita, and literacy in former Soviet Union areas (1920 – 2010). Please cite as: *Didenko, D., van Leeuwen, B. & Foldvari, P. (2013). The spread of human capital in the former Sovjet Union areas in a comparative perspective:Exploring a new dataset. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 4 (2), pp. 123-135. * Van Leeuwen, B., Didenko, D., & Foldvari, P. (2015). Inspiration vs. Perspiration in Economic Development of the Former Soviet Union and China (ca. 1920–2010). economics of transition, 23(1), 213-246.