Transport Equipment Operators

Workers in this minor group drive vehicles and perform assimilated tasks related to the transport of passengers and freight by water-borne craft, land transport and pack animals. They carry out deck and engine-room duties aboard ship (under the direction of ships\' officers, classified in 0-42 and 0-43) and aboard other water-borne craft, drive locomotives, manoeuvre railway coaches and wagons, operate railway signals and lighthouses, drive motor vehicles and motor-cycles, drive pack animals and vehicles drawn by animas, operate locks in canals and ports, dry-dock vessels, drive pedal vehicles and pull rickshaws and handcarts. Aircraft and ships\' officers (including ships\' deck officers and engineer officers) are classified in minor group 0-4; Ship\'s carpenter in 9-54.55. Ship\'s engine-room mechanics are classified in 8-49.90. Transport conductors are classified in minor group 3-6.

Transport Equipment Operators

Workers in this minor group drive vehicles and perform assimilated tasks related to the transport of passengers and freight by water-borne craft, land transport and pack animals. They carry out deck and engine-room duties aboard ship (under the direction of ships\' officers, classified in 0-42 and 0-43) and aboard other water-borne craft, drive locomotives, manoeuvre railway coaches and wagons, operate railway signals and lighthouses, drive motor vehicles and motor-cycles, drive pack animals and vehicles drawn by animas, operate locks in canals and ports, dry-dock vessels, drive pedal vehicles and pull rickshaws and handcarts. Aircraft and ships\' officers (including ships\' deck officers and engineer officers) are classified in minor group 0-4; Ship\'s carpenter in 9-54.55. Ship\'s engine-room mechanics are classified in 8-49.90. Transport conductors are classified in minor group 3-6.