Compositors and Type-Setters

Workers in this unit group set and arrange printing type by hand and machine. Their functions include: setting type by hand and printing copies with small machine; setting type by hand; operating linotype, monotype and type-casting machines; arranging set-up of type and spacing material and illustration blocks to make pages; arranging pages in sequence for printing; operating keyboard of machine which reproduces letters on film or sensitised paper for photographic reproduction plates; performing related tasks.

Compositors and Type-Setters

Workers in this unit group set and arrange printing type by hand and machine. Their functions include: setting type by hand and printing copies with small machine; setting type by hand; operating linotype, monotype and type-casting machines; arranging set-up of type and spacing material and illustration blocks to make pages; arranging pages in sequence for printing; operating keyboard of machine which reproduces letters on film or sensitised paper for photographic reproduction plates; performing related tasks.