Paper and Paperboard Products Makers

Workers in this unit group make boxes, envelopes, bags and other products from paper, paperboard, cardboard, cellophane and similar materials. Their functions include: making and decorating paper boxes by hand or machine; setting and operating machines which glue paper to cardboard, cut it to the required length or cut and crease cardboard or paper board sheets to form box blanks; operating machines which press paper to from drinking cups and other containers; setting and operating machines which cut, fold and glue paper to make envelopes and paper bags or which form bags from cellophane, special types of paper and similar materials; performing related tasks.

Paper and Paperboard Products Makers

Workers in this unit group make boxes, envelopes, bags and other products from paper, paperboard, cardboard, cellophane and similar materials. Their functions include: making and decorating paper boxes by hand or machine; setting and operating machines which glue paper to cardboard, cut it to the required length or cut and crease cardboard or paper board sheets to form box blanks; operating machines which press paper to from drinking cups and other containers; setting and operating machines which cut, fold and glue paper to make envelopes and paper bags or which form bags from cellophane, special types of paper and similar materials; performing related tasks.