Upholsterers and Related Workers

Workers in this unit group upholster furniture, make mattresses, make and install interior decorations of textiles, leather and similar materials, and perform related tasks. Their functions include: installing, arranging and securing springs, padding and covering material to furniture frames; installing covering and cushioning for seats and other furnishings on vehicles, such as motor cars, railways coaches and aircraft; making mattresses by hand or machines; fitting and installing soft furnishings and interior decorations of textiles, leather and similar materials. Pattern makers and cutters are classified in unit group 7-94 and Sewers and embroiderers in 7-95.

Upholsterers and Related Workers

Workers in this unit group upholster furniture, make mattresses, make and install interior decorations of textiles, leather and similar materials, and perform related tasks. Their functions include: installing, arranging and securing springs, padding and covering material to furniture frames; installing covering and cushioning for seats and other furnishings on vehicles, such as motor cars, railways coaches and aircraft; making mattresses by hand or machines; fitting and installing soft furnishings and interior decorations of textiles, leather and similar materials. Pattern makers and cutters are classified in unit group 7-94 and Sewers and embroiderers in 7-95.