Building Caretakers

Workers in this unit group take care of apartment houses, office buildings, churches and other buildings and maintain them in an orderly and clean condition. Their functions include: attending to the operation of an apartment house as representative of owner or managing agent; keeping apartment house, office or similar building in clean and orderly condition and operating furnaces or boilers to provide heat and hot water for tenants; taking care of interior and furnishings of churches; performing similar tasks in other establishment.

Building Caretakers

Workers in this unit group take care of apartment houses, office buildings, churches and other buildings and maintain them in an orderly and clean condition. Their functions include: attending to the operation of an apartment house as representative of owner or managing agent; keeping apartment house, office or similar building in clean and orderly condition and operating furnaces or boilers to provide heat and hot water for tenants; taking care of interior and furnishings of churches; performing similar tasks in other establishment.