The anthropometric history of Argentina, Brazil and Peru during the 19th and early 20th century

The dataset on Argentina is a quite unusual dataset because it records the entire Argentinian population without social selectivity biases. The sample taken covers the birth years from the 1870s to the 1910s, and constitutes a relatively representative sample of provinces and cities from all over Argentina (Baten, Pelger and Twrdek 2009 provide a map). The original data is stored at the general archive of the army in Buenos Aires. The dataset was collected by Linda Twrdek. The importance of this dataset also stems from the fact that Argentina had an interesting stagnation in height which was visible in other samples taken previously, but these samples came from prisons or military records after a selection process. This representative (male) dataset allowed for comparisons (and actually confirms) the trends estimated on the basis of prison and other military samples. Apart from geographical information, the dataset also lists the occupations of the surveyed individuals. The original measurements were conducted in centimetres. The variation by birth cohort comes from the fact that all relevant ages were included, from 17 to 53 years. Due to the relatively high nutritional status in Argentina, it seems likely that most of the height growth was completed by the age of 17. The highest age group included was 53 years old; which is not yet meaningfully affected by shrinking.

The anthropometric history of Argentina, Brazil and Peru during the 19th and early 20th century

The dataset on Argentina is a quite unusual dataset because it records the entire Argentinian population without social selectivity biases. The sample taken covers the birth years from the 1870s to the 1910s, and constitutes a relatively representative sample of provinces and cities from all over Argentina (Baten, Pelger and Twrdek 2009 provide a map). The original data is stored at the general archive of the army in Buenos Aires. The dataset was collected by Linda Twrdek. The importance of this dataset also stems from the fact that Argentina had an interesting stagnation in height which was visible in other samples taken previously, but these samples came from prisons or military records after a selection process. This representative (male) dataset allowed for comparisons (and actually confirms) the trends estimated on the basis of prison and other military samples. Apart from geographical information, the dataset also lists the occupations of the surveyed individuals. The original measurements were conducted in centimetres. The variation by birth cohort comes from the fact that all relevant ages were included, from 17 to 53 years. Due to the relatively high nutritional status in Argentina, it seems likely that most of the height growth was completed by the age of 17. The highest age group included was 53 years old; which is not yet meaningfully affected by shrinking.