Tall and Shrinking Muslims, Short and Growing Europeans: The Long-Run Welfare Development of the Middle East, 1850-1980

The two datasets on prisons in Pancrac and Repy – located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the 19th century, and in the territory of today’s Czech Republic – were prisons for males and females respectively. The usual selectivity problems associated with height data from prisons need to be considered. The range of survey years is very small for Pancrac, hence there was probably not much change in labour market conditions between survey years. Records were only taken between 1902 and 1904, and all three years were relatively similar in terms of economic prosperity, particularly as they were all after the minor crisis of 1901. Occupations are reported in German, the birth places in a mixture of German and Czech, and all measures were taken in centimetres. The birth years from Pancrac range from the 1850s to the 1880s, although there are only 431 observations recorded over this period. The dataset was originally collected by Katerina Hodinova (2007), but was not published by her – she included in it in her bachelor thesis. Stegl and Baten (2009) used these height records in a comparative study of European and Middle Eastern samples. The same applies to the Repy dataset, which is a data set of 338 female prisoners.

Tall and Shrinking Muslims, Short and Growing Europeans: The Long-Run Welfare Development of the Middle East, 1850-1980

The two datasets on prisons in Pancrac and Repy – located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the 19th century, and in the territory of today’s Czech Republic – were prisons for males and females respectively. The usual selectivity problems associated with height data from prisons need to be considered. The range of survey years is very small for Pancrac, hence there was probably not much change in labour market conditions between survey years. Records were only taken between 1902 and 1904, and all three years were relatively similar in terms of economic prosperity, particularly as they were all after the minor crisis of 1901. Occupations are reported in German, the birth places in a mixture of German and Czech, and all measures were taken in centimetres. The birth years from Pancrac range from the 1850s to the 1880s, although there are only 431 observations recorded over this period. The dataset was originally collected by Katerina Hodinova (2007), but was not published by her – she included in it in her bachelor thesis. Stegl and Baten (2009) used these height records in a comparative study of European and Middle Eastern samples. The same applies to the Repy dataset, which is a data set of 338 female prisoners.