Cabinetmakers And Related Woodworkers

Workers in this minor group make and repair wooden furniture, highly finished wooden fittings and similar objects, set and operate precision woodworking machines to saw, shape, plane, turn and carve wooden products and perform related woodworking tasks not elsewhere classified such as making wooden carts, wheels, patterns, models, casks, and smoking pipes. Wicker furniture maker is classified in unit group 9-42; restorers working on wooden objects of artistic or historical value are classified in unit group 1-61; sawing-machine operators in sawmills and Veneer cutter are classified in unit group 7-32.

Cabinetmakers And Related Woodworkers

Workers in this minor group make and repair wooden furniture, highly finished wooden fittings and similar objects, set and operate precision woodworking machines to saw, shape, plane, turn and carve wooden products and perform related woodworking tasks not elsewhere classified such as making wooden carts, wheels, patterns, models, casks, and smoking pipes. Wicker furniture maker is classified in unit group 9-42; restorers working on wooden objects of artistic or historical value are classified in unit group 1-61; sawing-machine operators in sawmills and Veneer cutter are classified in unit group 7-32.