Government Executive Officials

Workers in this unit group put into effect government policy decisions and implement laws, rules and regulations under the direction of Government administrators (unit group 2-02). They work in national, state, provincial or local government departments or agencies, or in intergovernmental organisations, dealing with subjects such as finance, taxation, trade, health, education, social insurance and employment. Their functions include: directing a unit, section or local office of a government department in the implementation of government policy decisions and laws, rules and regulations; making decisions on matters arising in the detailed implementation of government policy decisions, laws, rules, regulations and instructions of government administrators, except in important cases; performing executive secretarial duties for departmental heads or official committees; writing reports to inform or advise administrators on policy questions, departmental programmes and other matters; performing other duties delegated by government administrators, generally with the assistance of subordinates. Government employees whose principal functions are to carry out professional, technical and related duties are classified in major group 0/1 and those whose duties consist mainly in supervising clerical work are classified in unit group 2-21.

Government Executive Officials

Workers in this unit group put into effect government policy decisions and implement laws, rules and regulations under the direction of Government administrators (unit group 2-02). They work in national, state, provincial or local government departments or agencies, or in intergovernmental organisations, dealing with subjects such as finance, taxation, trade, health, education, social insurance and employment. Their functions include: directing a unit, section or local office of a government department in the implementation of government policy decisions and laws, rules and regulations; making decisions on matters arising in the detailed implementation of government policy decisions, laws, rules, regulations and instructions of government administrators, except in important cases; performing executive secretarial duties for departmental heads or official committees; writing reports to inform or advise administrators on policy questions, departmental programmes and other matters; performing other duties delegated by government administrators, generally with the assistance of subordinates. Government employees whose principal functions are to carry out professional, technical and related duties are classified in major group 0/1 and those whose duties consist mainly in supervising clerical work are classified in unit group 2-21.