Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists

Workers in this unit group provide special medical therapeutic services. Their functions include: treating sprains, healing fractures, paralysis and circulatory or nervous disorders by physical means, usually as prescribed by a physician; participating in planned medically oriented vocational, educational or recreational activities designed to rehabilitate physically or mentally disabled persons; massaging clients or patients to improve circulation, soothe or stimulate nerves, facilitate elimination of waste matter, stretch contracted tendons and produce other therapeutic effects.

Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists

Workers in this unit group provide special medical therapeutic services. Their functions include: treating sprains, healing fractures, paralysis and circulatory or nervous disorders by physical means, usually as prescribed by a physician; participating in planned medically oriented vocational, educational or recreational activities designed to rehabilitate physically or mentally disabled persons; massaging clients or patients to improve circulation, soothe or stimulate nerves, facilitate elimination of waste matter, stretch contracted tendons and produce other therapeutic effects.