
Jochem Kruit en Wieke Metzlar

Created on Apr 16th, 2023

Overview of personal information

This query shows an overview of several details of personal information.

Created a year ago, 8 versions

Address lookup of ANDB members, Amsterdam

A table which shows registered addresses of people in the ANDB database.

Created a year ago, 8 versions

Map of residencies in Amsterdam, sortable by gender and education

A map containing residencies of ANDB members living in Amsterdam, sortable by gender and education.

Created a year ago, 22 versions

Average duration of education

An overview of the minimum, average, and maximum duration of the different types of education of members of the data set.

Created a year ago, 6 versions

Map of residencies in Amsterdam of ANDB members

A map showing all registered residencies of members of the ANDB.

Created a year ago, 20 versions

Distribution of duration of education

The distribution of duration of a particular type of education in years, grouped per type of education.

Created a year ago, 7 versions

Start, end, and duration of education of ANDB members

Overview of start and end dates, and resulting duration (in years) of education of ANDB members.

Created a year ago, 11 versions


Overview of all persons for whom any migration is registered.

Created a year ago, 10 versions

Frequent places of birth

Fifty most common places of birth.

Created a year ago, 14 versions

Gender division ANDB

Overview of gender division among ANDB members.

Created a year ago, 8 versions