
Created on Nov 15th, 2022

TEST_IISG-kg: are all values literal?

checks if the native viewer (or any other property) are of type literal (xsd.anyUri) in all graphs.

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 8 months ago, 1 version

TEST_iisg-kg: check if basic properties are in all graphs

Checks, per graph, if they have: rdf:type,, iisgv.nativeViewer, sdo.creator.

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 8 months ago, 9 versions

TEST_iisg-kg: check if iisgv.nativeViewer is created for all data sources

Checks if the property iisgv.nativeViewer is present in the 4 different data sources.

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 8 months ago, 8 versions

TEST_iisg-kg: count unique values per property in relation to total in a given dataset

Counts the total subject/items per type and which ones have a given property in a specific dataset (graph)

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 9 months ago, 5 versions

TEST_iisg-kg: count items with a property per type

It counts the total subjects/items per type and which ones have a given property.

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 9 months ago, 2 versions

TEST_iisg-kg: find items without a specific property

Finds which items miss a specific predicate or property

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 9 months ago, 3 versions

collections| Is specific subgraph the same in both knowledge graphs?

At this stage, we already have the records that are shared by both the old KG and the new KG. The objective of this query is to ask if for the same record both the old KG and the new KG have the exactly the same triples.

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 2 years ago, 1 version