has time-span

This property associates an instance of E2 Temporal Entity with the instance of E52 Time-Span during which it was on-going. The associated instance of E52 Time-Span is understood as the real time-span during which the phenomena making up the temporal entity instance were active. More than one instance of E2 Temporal Entity may share a common instance of E52 Time-Span only if they come into being and end being due to identical declarations or events.

has time-span

This property associates an instance of E2 Temporal Entity with the instance of E52 Time-Span during which it was on-going. The associated instance of E52 Time-Span is understood as the real time-span during which the phenomena making up the temporal entity instance were active. More than one instance of E2 Temporal Entity may share a common instance of E52 Time-Span only if they come into being and end being due to identical declarations or events.