A slot representing a gap that ...... al entry in a given projection
A constituent element of a lex ...... constituent of a compound word
A node within a list of components. This should generally be a blank node,see rdf:List
A given written or spoken realisation of a lexical entry
A stereotypical example of the ...... en by the arguments of a verb.
Structural element for all elements that can be tagged with a language
An evaluable condition on when a sense applies.
Indicates the pragmatic or discourse context in which a sense applies
An entry in the lexicon. This ...... hat is included in the lexicon
Represents the intersection in ...... further specify this relation
Indicates the topic of a lexicon or a lexical entry
The lexicon object. This objec ...... age and/or domain it describes
A node in a phrase structure or dependency parse graph
The class of constituents, that is types applied to nodes in a phrase structure graph
A terminal node in a phrase structure graph, i.e., a realisable, lexical element.
A value that can be used in the range of linguistic property
A definition of a sememe, that ...... s the given ontology reference
The indicator of a given synta ...... nguistic property such as case
An example of the usage of a l ...... ., "this is a *usage example*"
The canonical ("dictionary") f ...... lemma" form of a lexical entry
Indicates an evaluable test, the is necessary for this sense to apply
Denotes a component of a lexical entry
Denotes the relation between a node in a multi-word expression structure and an edge
Denotes the lexical entry represented by the component
Indicates an entry in a lexicon
Indicate that a reference has a given sense
The language of a given lexicon. This should be some ISO-639 string
Denotes the component referred to by the lex (pre-terminal) of the phrase structure
Denotes a written representation of a lexical entry
Denotes that one sense is narr ...... s the narrower sense must also
A reference to an external resource
A realisation of a given form
Denotes a semantic argument slot of a semantic unit
Indicates the sense of a lexical entry
Denotes a relationship between senses
Indicates that the relation between a compound sense and its atomic subsenses
This indicates the value of a ...... ch as source or creation date.
Lemon: The lexicon model for o ...... and lexicon-ontology mapping.
An affix is a morpheme that is ...... tries with only abstract forms
A phrase in lemon is defined i ...... to a fully grammatical phrase
Indicates a logical condition ...... lar term has the given meaning
Indicates the context in which ...... gister the document is used in
A word is a single unit of wri ...... me agreed segmentation scheme.
A representation of a lexical ...... llings and other unusual forms
The sense of a non-preferred but admissible lexicalization of a given ontology entity
Denotes that one sense is broa ...... s the narrower sense must also
Denotes the pragmatic or discu ...... ntactic or semantic properites
Indicates a natural language d ...... tring value of the definition.
Indicates that two senses are ...... e other must necessarily apply
A raisable semantic argument i ...... "seem" is a raisable argument.