
Backgammon as it is known today seems to have been invented around the seventeenth century, but the games from which it developed are much older.. The origins of these games lie sometime in the early centuries CE, and it is related to the Roman board game XII Scripta and the Persian game Nard. Early boards can be found from around the sixth century in South and Southwest Asia, though other games such as Tric-Trac and Tables were also been played on the same board in medieval and early modern Europe.


Backgammon as it is known today seems to have been invented around the seventeenth century, but the games from which it developed are much older.. The origins of these games lie sometime in the early centuries CE, and it is related to the Roman board game XII Scripta and the Persian game Nard. Early boards can be found from around the sixth century in South and Southwest Asia, though other games such as Tric-Trac and Tables were also been played on the same board in medieval and early modern Europe.