
Member since Jun 18th, 2019
Site administrator


Created 2 years ago, 2 versions


Created 2 years ago, 4 versions


This query matches the authors of the UBU pamphlets through their VIAF id to their identifier in the collection of the Royal Dutch Library. From that we look up the presence of these identifiers in the collection of the UB/UvA.

Created 2 years ago, 2 versions


Dataset is not accessible.
Created 3 years ago, 6 versions


Selectie voor ATRIA van auteursrechtvrije beelden (voor 1940) met betrekking tot geweldloze revolutie van vrouwen

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 3 years ago, 11 versions

HBM Collecties

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 3 years ago, 1 version

Migratieobjecten Amsterdam Museum

Created 3 years ago, 3 versions


Fill out a word in the ?description search box below, and receive all images with that word in the image's description. Or use the ?keyword field to select images with a specific keyword. Combinations are also possible. If you want more (or less) results, change the number limit number.

Created 3 years ago, 3 versions

Migratieobjecten Stadsarchief

Created 3 years ago, 5 versions

Van Meerendonk bioscopen in Amsterdam

Dataset is not accessible.
Created 4 years ago, 3 versions


IISG-KG - CinemaContext (MovieTheater)

Created 4 years ago, 1 version


Fill out a word in the ?description search box below, and receive all images with that word in the image's description. Or use the ?keyword field to select images with a specific keyword. Combinations are also possible. If you want more (or less) results, change the number limit number.

Created 4 years ago, 11 versions